Thursday, March 29, 2012

What I'll do over spring break

What I'll do over spring break is go to my Grandma house and go swimming in door pool my brother is 4mounths old and he is coming with the rest of the days is to rest


What will you do on spring break

I will save my money to by the piece for shuk.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

First day of school

One day my mom helped get all packed up for school. After I was done I wen't to the bus stop. Then I wen't to school I meet my teacher he was nice. Then I wen't home I told my mom. And that was the first day of school 
The End 

Friday, January 6, 2012


Phy.Ed is fun. Its like I want to stay in Phy.Ed for ever. Ms.White is the best Phy.Ed teacher ever. I wish that Ms.White was in all my grades!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Winter break

I played a lot of board games. And the thing I did most of all was read. My
favorite thing was opening the presents.
By the way I did not watch that much tv. Wierd, right? I kinda missed my teacher Ms.Gustafson. I got to have Christmas with my uncle. I slept in a little bit too I had an really good winter break.

By Breyton

Winter break

I got a phone at my house on Christmas. I got a baby doll on Christmas Eve. Me and my uncle, my sister, my brother, and my grandma went to Denny's Restraunt. It was fun. On New Year's Eve the tv went off. Then at 12:00 it came on and I watched 2 hours of it.

By IvyAna


I'm having fun!